RPG Creator
- December 01, 2024 by Ward7272#2D, #Game Engine, #Indie, #Open Source, #RPG Maker, #Software, #Devlog, #RPG, #RPG GameHiiii! Been a long time now (Well, just 12 days, but yeah, it's long for me 😅), but I got a lots of news! The assets previewer As you can see in the video, you will be able to preview the assets th... Continue reading
- November 19, 2024 by Ward727#sneak-peek, #work-in-progress, #assets-manager, #rpg, #game, #engine, #game engineGot less time in my hand to work on the project due to personal reason, but I'm still working on it So here is the WIP assets manager in the software (not only design this time). There is still a lots... Continue reading
- November 09, 2024 by Ward727#sneak-peek, #uiux, #ui-design, #design, #wip, #previewNot a lots to show today, but I still made something that could be interesting to show you The assets manager! To make it simple: It's a window where you can check what assets are in each of your proj... Continue reading
- November 06, 2024 by Ward727#sneak-peek, #uiux, #ui-design, #ux-design, #design, #work-in-progress, #wip, #design-only, #previewWorked on the Status editor :) A little thing about all of the UI that I showed you: - All of them are for now ONLY design. - This is mainly a design for me to be able to make them more easily and qui... Continue reading
- November 06, 2024 by Ward727#sneak-peek, #design-only, #preview, #ui-ux, #work-in-progressDid I work without resting all night? Yes, but I made a big step forward, here I will show you only the armor editor, but here is the thing that I worked on: Consumables Editor Objects Editor Class Ed... Continue reading
- November 03, 2024 by Ward727#sneak-peek, #preview, #ui-ux, #design-onlyThere is a lots of new thing today I worked all day (well, from 16:00 to now haha) on the quest editor UI, and I'm finally happy from the result There is a lots of thing to say, but I will try to make... Continue reading